LTD: Building Upon a Strong Foundation

Introducing an enhanced LTD plan.
The decision to protect your income with Long Term Disability (LTD) insurance is a smart one. You should also be smart about the insurance company you choose. Because one size does not fit all, it’s important to look for a policy with strong base benefits and options that let you tailor your plan to meet your unique situation and financial objectives.
Our partner, Ameritas, offers coverage that combines superior base protection with flexibility. Ameritas continues to enhance their standard benefits and popular riders. Building on a strong product foundation, Ameritas recently introduced DInanmic Cornerstone Income Protection, an enhanced LTD plan with more built-in benefits and new options for customization.
Discounted Income Protection Plans
Our individual plans provide coverage in the event you’re too sick or injured to work or to care for your family. Own and keep your policy, even if you change jobs.
Important Built-in Benefits
- Benefit Advancement. If you suffer a non-disabling injury, you’re eligible for a $500 advance on your LTD benefits to help offset the cost of medical or dental treatment.
- COBRA Premium Benefit. If you lose your employment due to disability, this feature reimburses the cost of COBRA premiums up to $1,000 per month, for up to 18 months, so you can continue your medical insurance.
- Good Health Benefit. For each consecutive year you renew your policy without collecting benefits, you’ll reduce your elimination period – your wait time to receive benefits – by two days, potentially reducing your wait time significantly over time.
- Suspension During Unemployment. This benefit allows you to suspend your policy should you become unemployed instead of forfeiting your coverage altogether.
Riders That Can Make a Difference
- New Benefit Increase Rider: When your salary increases, so will your need to protect your income. This option, included in Ameritas’ enhanced policy, allows you to purchase additional coverage without medical underwriting. Ameritas offers a six-year option window to apply for a benefit increase; most providers close the window after just three years.
- Improved Inflation Riders. Our LTD Advisors can help you choose from two improved Cost of Living Adjustment options, both of which allow your benefits to keep pace during inflationary periods.
- Lump Sum Savings Rider. Your disability insurance is designed to cover your everyday living expenses. This rider provides additional funds to help replace lost retirement contributions so you can continue saving for retirement.
In a recent survey, 49% of respondents indicated their households would face financial hardship in six months or less due to a disability, and 24% said they would turn to their retirement savings should a disability
befall them.1
LTD insurance from Ameritas is good for your wallet too: Alumni and their immediate family members receive a 16% discount through this program. Our LTD Advisors can help you customize a plan for your circumstances and your budget. Schedule a no-obligation consultation today.
1 “Disability Insurance and a Secure Retirement Go Hand-in-Hand,” LIMRA, May 18, 2022,